Quasi-two-body decays B(s)→PD0*(2400)→PDπ in the perturbative QCD approach

Bo-Yan Cui, Ying-Ying Fan, Fu-Hu Liu, Wen-Fei Wang
2019 Physical Review D  
We study the quasi-two-body decays B→ P D^∗_0(2400) → P Dπ with P=(π, K, η, η^') in the perturbative QCD factorization approach. The predicted branching fractions for the considered decays are in the range of 10^-9-10^-4. The strong Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) suppression factor R_CKM≈λ^4 (ρ̅^2 + η̅^2) ≈ 3× 10^-4 results in the great difference of the branching ratios for the decays with D_0^* and D̅_0^* as the intermediate states. The ratio R_D̅_0^*0 between the decays B^0 →D̅_0^*0 K^0→
more » ... π^+K^0 and B^0 →D̅_0^*0π^0 → D^-π^+π^0 is about 0.091^+0.003_-0.005, consistent with the flavour-SU(3) symmetry result. The ratio for the branching fractions is found to be 1.10^+0.05_-0.02 between B(B_s^0→ D_0^*+K^-→ D^0π^+K^-) and B(B^0→ D_0^*+π^-→ D^0π^+ π^-) and to be 1.03^+0.06_-0.07 between B(B_s^0→D̅_0^*0K̅^0→ D^-π^+ K̅^0) and 2B(B^0→D̅_0^*0π^0→ D^-π^+π^0). The predictions in this work can be tested by the future experiments.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.100.014017 fatcat:dq2vevs2mbd73dfg3ttc5guxkq