
晖 谢
2020 教育科学发展  
Abstract院The ideological and political practice course is an important part of the ideological and political course in the university. It aims to guide contemporary college students to go deep into the society, go into the countryside, listen to the voice of the people and observe the people's situation in the community, deepen the understanding of the road and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in social practice, volunteer activities, social public welfare services and other
more » ... tical activities, so as to continuously improve their cognitive society and service society The ability of meeting can enhance the subjectivity and enthusiasm of the ideological and political theory course learning, and become a qualified socialist successor. 关键词院思政教育;高校思政;思政实践教学 Keywords院ideological and political education;ideological and political education in universities;ideological and political practice teaching 基金项目院2019 年浙江省社会实践一流课程阶 段性 研究 成果; 2019 第八批 浙江 传媒 学院 校级试 验区 项目 阶段 性成果 (KGXM201940); 2020 年第十五批浙江传媒学院校级教学改革项目阶段性成果(JGXM202051)
doi:10.36012/sde.v2i5.2151 fatcat:pkw65lf57nbb3mhisosuwu6i7e