Report on Music Diversity and Circulation in Europe [article]

Daniel Antal, Caterina Sganga, Andrés GJ Molina
2022 Zenodo  
In the last decade, the evidence-based policy movement gained significant traction in Europe as well as globally. Its focus has been to increase the rigour of the evidence generated, to improve the credibility and understandability of evidence created for policy purposes. As evidence-based policies often rely on scientific evidence, the evidence-based policy movement went hand in hand with the efforts to increase the transparency and reproducibility of scientific research. Our Report on Music
more » ... versity and Circulation in Europe, and its supporting document, Music diversity and circulation: Novel data collection methods and indicators1 will follow the Open Policy Analysis Guidelines and the best practices of the European Union's Knowledge For Policy and the European Open Science Cloud portal. The current version of the Report on Music Diversity and Circulation in Europe [outline] is a research planning document that sets out our 9 transparancy criteria following the best practices (Level 3) of the Open Policy Analysis Guidelines, and provides some illustrations on how a "live policy document" works with a few reproducible datasets2. If our Proposal is successful and gets funded, the document will start to contain reused data from 2023, new data from 2024, and can be first read as draft policy document in the summer of 2024.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6465114 fatcat:njjzc6jjlfc53e5nmrf4jgavcy