The ADA-EASD patient-centered guidelines for management of hyperglycemia: Are they patient-centered enough?

Sanjay Kalra, Ganapathy Bantwal, Mathew John
2013 Journal of social health and diabetes  
Background: The American diabetes association (ADA) and European association for the study of diabetes (EASD) recently issued an updated position statement on the management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes. The choice of nomenclature of these guidelines is refreshing as it highlights a patient-centered approach to managing diabetes. Discussion: This debate looks at these guidelines through the prism of patient-centeredness, it tries to assess if the authors of the ADA-EASD position
more » ... have been able to "walk the talk" with respect to the patient-centered approach that they advocate. Conclusion: We conclude that the guidelines can be made more patient-centered, by emphasizing psychosocial and psychiatric comorbidity of diabetes, ethno pharmacy, and patient-friendly insulin regimes and oral fixed dose combinations, in a culturally competent, globally acceptable manner.
doi:10.1055/s-0038-1676180 fatcat:apc5dhdy3ncl7gsqhiltflkt4q