Christianity in the Nineteenth Century. George C. Lorimer
J. W. Moncrief
The American Journal of Theology
it justifying their exclusion from the exercise of the right to vote and from other privileges of citizenship" (p. 243). It is to be regretted that with his manifest purpose to treat the Quakers considerately, Mr. Howe did not correct a misconception regarding their indecencies, the occurrence of which he admits. It has not been clearly shown, we think, except by Quaker writers, that there were only two cases of indecent exposure by the Quakers, and that the first of these occurred twenty
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... after the last victim had been hanged. Previous to that time the indecent exposures had been such as the magistrates inflicted on helpless Quaker women whom they examined for witchcraft marks or scourged half-naked through the streets. Exception must be taken to Mr. Howe's remarks on the result of Eliot's labors among the Indians: " Earnest efforts were made to convert them to Christianity, but with little success, and the 'praying Indians,' as they were called, seem to have been on occasion as zealous as their barbarian brethren in scalping their white neighbors. ... In King Philip's war 'these pious lambs proved the worst wolves of the whole bloody crew'" (pp. 78, 79). As already remarked above, the greater part of the " praying Indians" adhered loyally to the English cause during the war, not only despite the hatred of their own race, but in the face of distrust and suspicion by the whites. Mr. Howe's portrayal of their alleged inconstancy is an injustice both to them and to the heroic missionary who taught them the Christian faith. The first sentence in the book is unpropitious in its error of referring to "John White of Scrooby." The author repeats the error, notwithstanding he cites Edward Everett at length, who speaks (correctly) of "John White of Dorchester." The book is well printed, with full table of contents and index. His reading has been very wide and discriminating, and it has extended over many years. His long and successful experience in the pastorate has kept him in the closest touch with the people. He is quick to see new truth as it comes up in the flow of events, and this truth does not alarm him and make him believe that the foundations are likely to be torn from under the ever-building temple of truth.