LOMCF: Forwarding and Caching in Named Data Networking Based MANETs
Rana Asif Rehman, Byung-Seo Kim
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Named data networking (NDN) resolves traditional transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP)-based Internet problems (i.e., location dependent, complex usage, scalability, poor resource utilization, etc.) and is considered as an eligible candidate for futuristic Internet paradigm. In NDN-based mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), the participating nodes are operated in highly dynamic and challengeable environment such as low battery power, channel fluctuations, intermittent
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... , etc. Due to the broadcast nature of the wireless channel, the NDN-based MANETs highlight severe issues (e.g., packet collisions, flooding, data redundancy, and packet retransmissions), which further degrade network performance. In this paper, to cope with these problems, we have proposed a novel protocol, named location-aware on-demand multipath caching and forwarding for NDN-based MANETs. Performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated by using a simulator called ndnSIM. Extensive experiments along their results show that proposed protocol performs better as compared with the other recent proposed protocols in terms of content retrieval time, Interest retransmissions, and the total number of Interest packets injected, as well as discarded, in the network. Index Terms-Caching, content, information centric, interest, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), named data networking. to-peer (P2P) and content delivery networks (CDNs) have been used as overlay networks [5] . However, these solutions are now considered inappropriate for the futuristic applications demand perspective and also have many drawbacks. Information-centric networks (ICNs) [6] is an emerging concept for future Internet architecture, in which content-based communication does not consider the device's physical address. It provides the efficient content's name-based communication functionalities for all the networks (e.g., mesh network, LAN, delay tolerant network, sensor and mobile ad-hoc networks) [7]. PURSUIT [8], 4WARD [9], COMET [10], CCN [11], CON-VERGENCE [12], COAST [13], GreenICN [14], NDN [15], RIFE [16], CBMEN [17], UMOBILE [18], ENCODERS [19], BONVOYAGE [20], ICEMAN [21], POINT [22], and I-CAN [23] are some of the active projects being worked on in this arena. Named data networking (NDN) [15] paradigm is gaining more popularity and is widely accepted in the research community due to its simple communication architecture. Fig. 1 shows the hourglass architecture of both NDN-(right side) and TCP/IP (left side)-based paradigms. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a combination of self-organized, resourceconstrained digital devices that can directly communicate with each other using a short transmission range. In this network,