Influences of castration and testosterone on spring to summer changes in release of luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone in rabbits
W. W. Lin, V. D. Ramirez
Push\p=n-\pullcannulae were implanted toward the tuberal region of the hypothalamus in ten intact New Zealand male rabbits. In the first experiment, rabbits were perfused at different times after castration: 5\p=n-\10days (n = 10), 22\p=n-\31days (n = 9) and 50\p=n-\64 days (n = 8). The release, mean amplitude and mean frequency of luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) signals from 37 perfusions in ten animals were analysed in intact rabbits and at different times after castration. No
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... nificant changes in release of LHRH and in amplitude were observed, but the frequency was significantly higher 22\p=n-\31days after castration than in intact rabbits (intact: 0\m=.\86\ m=+-\ 0\m=.\12; castrated: 1\m=.\20\ m=+-\ 0\m=.\13 pulses h \ m = -\ 1 , P < 0\ m=. \ 035; n= 9). In Expt 2, testosterone and placebo Silastic capsules were implanted in the castrated rabbits. Perfusions were performed in the following four periods, defined by season and time after testosterone and placebo implants: (i) spring; before implants, (ii) late spring; 0\p=n-\2 weeks after implants, (iii) summer solstice; 2\p=n-\4 weeks after implants and (iv) summer; 4\p=n-\6weeks after implants. Castrated rabbits were perfused during spring; castrated rabbits with testosterone capsule implants were perfused during late spring, around summer solstice and in summer and castrated rabbits with placebo implants were perfused during periods (iii) and (iv). Castrated animals with placebo implants showed no significant changes in mean LHRH release and amplitude, although the frequency was significantly higher around the summer solstice period than in castrated rabbits perfused in the spring. In castrated rabbits with testosterone implants LHRH release was significantly higher in late spring than around the summer solstice and in the summer. In addition, the concentrations of LHRH in late spring were significantly higher than those of intact and castrated animals. In contrast, mean LHRH amplitude and frequency did not change. Mean amount of LHRH released and amplitude in castrated rabbits with testosterone implants were significantly lower around the summer solstice than in late spring or summer and compared with intact animals around summer solstice and in castrated rabbits in early spring. These data demonstrate that there were no significant changes in the mean amplitude and release of LHRH after castration from 5 and up to 64 days in rabbits with hypothalamic push\p=n-\pullcannulae, in contrast to the well established dramatic effect of castration on gonadotrophin concentrations. However, there was a small, but significant, increase in the mean frequency of LHRH pulses 22\p=n-\31 days after castration compared with values from intact rabbits. In addition, testosterone may be an important stimulator of LHRH release in castrated rabbits although its effect is transient. Episodic release of testosterone may be crucial for regulation of seasonal changes in the LHRH pulse generator in male rabbits.