International Migrants, Family Literacy and Pact

Keno Nagasa
2020 International journal for innovation education and research  
The purpose of this study is to examine the components of a family literacy program that brought international migrants into Primary Classrooms in the Rocky Mountain Region in the US. The literacy program included four components: 1) Children's Education of direct child instruction of literacy and language skills; 2) Adult Education of parent instruction of English as Second Language (ESL); 3) Parent Time of parent education and support group; and 4) Parent and Child Together Time (PACTT),
more » ... the parents get to be an interactive part of their child's classroom with the teacher present. PACTT is a unique opportunity in facilitating cultural integration and parental engagement, while providing participants opportunity to observe first-hand the reality of education in the United States as well as being active ELLs. Drawing on multiple social and educational theories and research, data from interviews, observation, and focus group yielded data that contributes a more inclusive discourse and new knowledge to the educational community regarding international migrants and their dreams and hopes for the success of their children.
doi:10.31686/ijier.vol8.iss5.2353 fatcat:7pw7r2mbgfgttkzf3ganlwvmme