Voice Based Lift Control

Malim Huzaifa Salim, Sami Jaitapkar, Faki Ziyaan, Kazi Ibrahim
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: The idea of this project is to develop an elevator system that accepts the destination input via external microphone, and taking the elevator to the destination accordingly. The paper the analysis of the lift model controlled by voice and sensor control panel, The model is constructed by using average powered controller, it has voice recognition, programmable terminal and logical lift program, which mnnect them all. The model can be easily reprogrammed in to have various working
more » ... s and thus is suitable for training students with the broad automation specialization. This system will enable the residential and commercial places to minimize the cost spent of lifts men. The modification of the welt •known DTW (Dynamic Time 'Warping) algorithm was used This device is very helpfulfor paralysis, short height gmple and physically challenged persons.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.42962 fatcat:3wv5lhwpnrdmtirw3tkilzuj4a