Extra-cellular matrix induced by steroids through a G-protein coupled receptor in a Drosophila model of renal fibrosis [article]

Wenjing Zheng, Karen Ocorr, Marc Tatar
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
Aldosterone is produced by the mammalian adrenal cortex to modulate blood pressure and fluid balance, however excessive, prolonged aldosterone production promotes fibrosis and kidney failure. How aldosterone triggers disease may involve actions that are independent of its canonical mineralocorticoid receptor. Here we present a Drosophila model of renal pathology caused by excess extra-cellular matrix formation, stimulated by exogenous aldosterone and insect ecdysone steroids. Chronic
more » ... ion of aldosterone or ecdysone induces expression and accumulation of collagen-like pericardin at adult nephrocytes podocyte-like cells that filter circulating hemolymph. Excess pericardin deposition disrupts nephrocyte (glomerular) filtration and causes proteinuria in Drosophila, hallmarks of mammalian kidney failure. Steroid-induced pericardin arises from cardiomyocytes associated with nephrocytes, reflecting an analogous role of mammalian myofibroblasts in fibrotic disease. Remarkably, the canonical ecdysteroid nuclear hormone receptor, ecdysone receptor EcR, is not required for aldosterone or ecdysone to stimulate pericardin production or associated renal pathology. Instead, these hormones require a cardiomyocyte-associated G-protein coupled receptor, dopamine-EcR (dopEcR), a membrane-associated receptor previously characterized in the fly brain as affecting behavior. This Drosophila renal disease model reveals a novel signaling pathway through which steroids may potentially modulate human fibrosis through proposed orthologs of dopEcR.
doi:10.1101/653329 fatcat:xyma5bfumffkheo7fwyj2xf7lu