ATCKs as expatriates: Turnover intention and adjustment examined [post]

Grania Mackey, Thomas Rhys Evans
2021 unpublished
Purpose: Adult third-culture kids (ATCKs), or adults who were living abroad in expatriated families during childhood, have been theorised to possess resources to meet the increased stressors and demands of overseas assignments due to their higher cross-cultural competency, adjustment, and security in risk-taking. This research sought to compare the turnover intention of ATCKs with that of adults with mono-cultural backgrounds, in expatriate roles, and to see whether this experience provides
more » ... emental predictive validity for turnover intention over and above demographic and adjustment factors.Design: This research used a quantitative, cross-sectional design implemented through an online questionnaire (n = 206).Findings: Results reported that ATCKs showed significantly higher levels of turnover intention than those with mono-cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, this background predicted an additional 3.3% of variance in turnover intentions above that of various adjustment indices.Originality: This research provides initial evidence to dispute the claim that adults who are expatriated in childhood are more likely to be retained in traditional expatriate work and suggests future research to investigate leveraging ATCK skills in alternative expatriate contexts.Practical implications: These results may allow international organisations to better understand the potential benefits of ATCK employment as expatriates and their role in a global environment in need of increased retention and mobility.
doi:10.31234/ fatcat:rycir4ydqjffvha6jdmuimyct4