Impact of mobility distributed support patterns on teens' awareness towards digital drugs effects أثر اختلاف مصدر الدعم الموزع النقال فی رفع مستوى الوعى بمخاطر المخدرات الرقمیة لدى تلامیذ المرحلة الاعدادیة

Rafik Said Elbarbary
2018 تکنولوجیا التعلیم: سلسلة دراسات وبحوث  
The present study examines the impact of three patterns of mobility distributed supporting (MDS) on the awareness of pupils towards digital drugs side effects. 123 pupils participants at prep schools in Egypt are divided into four groups. The experiment design is set as three experimental groups and one control group. All groups used a pre, post-test in applying the measure of awareness towards digital drugs side effects with participants. Action study was used to design a framework of
more » ... erns. The findings showed the following: (a) there were significant impacts of MDS three patterns on improving pupils' awareness compared with traditional supporting ,(b) there were significant impacts at (p<0.05) of mobility supporting centred pupils compared with centred teacher supporting in improving the awareness of pupils,(c) there were significant impacts between mobility multi-distributed supporting and mobility distributed supporting based pupils demands in improving the awareness of pupils towards digital drugs side effects.
doi:10.21608/tesr.2018.71763 fatcat:ijqeedwyjjhxpbiuzpwjf744wa