Evolución de los electrolitos séricos durante el tratamiento de rehidratación de pacientes con diarrea aguda coleriforme

2013 Revista Médica Herediana  
We evaluate the serum concentration of sodium, potassium, chloride and alkaline reserve in patients with moderate and severe dehydration secondary to choleriforme diarrhea who had oligoanuria at admission. The tests were made at admission, when diuresis was recovered and at discharge the patients of hospital. The rehydration was made with ClNa 0.9% IV to recovered diuresis and after with oral sales solutions plus ClNa 0.9% IV in one group and oral sales plus polielectrolyte solution IV in other
more » ... group. The IV volume of sodium chloride necessary to recover the diuresis was 4.2± 1.2 Lt. And was achieved in 1.8 ± 0.7 hours. At admission the electrolytes were: Na+ 135±5 mEq/L, K+ 4.5 ±0.7 mEq/L, Cl-100±8mEq/L and alkaline reserve was 23.7± 9.2 mEq/L. At time of diuresis was recovered, only alkaline reserve was changed (28.7±7.1 mEq/L), and this change was maintained to discharge patients of hospital. We didn't observe any differences between patients maintained with oral sales plus ClNa 0.9%IV and oral sales plus polielectrolyte solution IV. (Rev Med Hered 1993;4:3-11) KEY WORDS: Cholera, dehydration, rehydration, serum electrolyte. RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar los niveles séricos de sodio, potasio, cloro y reserva alcalina de pacientes oligoanuricos con deshidratación moderada o severa por diarrea coleriforme al momento de la admisión, al recuperar diuresis luego de rehidratación con ClNa 0.9% EV y al alta hospitalaria cuando la rehidratación fue continuada con sales de rehidratación oral y solución polielectrolítica EV en unos y sales de rehidratación oral y ClNa 0.9% EV en
doi:10.20453/rmh.v4i1.398 fatcat:tho2ghfkbbaendva6nu7gh37au