
Wayne Hugo
2015 Journal of Education  
Teacher education is one of the key causal mechanisms that can make a difference to the development of South Africa. One good teacher over a lifespan of teaching reaches around four thousand learners (100 new learners per year x 40 years). Good teachers have a positive impact on learning and character. Effective learning leads to higher educational performance, improved educational performance lays the groundwork for increasing specialisation, specialisation of function results in a more
more » ... ntiated system that can respond effectively and productively to the demands of an increasingly complex world. How are we, in South Africa, using this vital lever of development? What are we doing to ensure that our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes are producing good teachers? What are we doing to ensure that a multiplier effect of 1 to 4000 is as good as she can be? A fair amount I would say.
doi:10.17159/i60a00 fatcat:ocs35sgv25aqtm2wfux4xjld4q