Densidad vascular/de perfusión en dos protocolos de angiotomografía de coherencia óptica ¿Intercambiables?

Gerardo Monares-Zepeda, Margarita Montano, Luisa A. Bonilla, Alan Chew-Bonilla, Virgilio Lima-Gómez
2021 Gaceta Médica de México  
Different optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) scanning protocols evaluate the macula. To compare the determination coefficients (R2) between vessel and perfusion densities of two OCTA scanning protocols in order to determine if their metrics could be interchanged. Cross-sectional, prospective, comparative, observational, study between two OCTA scanning protocols (Angioplex, Zeiss) in healthy subjects. The R2 between central, inner, and full densities (3 x 3 mm protocol) and between
more » ... entral, inner, outer and full densities (6 x 6 mm protocol) was identified, both for vessel and perfusion densities. Seventy-eight eyes were evaluated; subjects' median age was 23 years. There were high R2 between inner and full densities with the 3 x 3 mm protocol (0.96), between outer and full densities with the 6 x 6 mm protocol (0.96), and between central vessel and perfusion densities (≥ 0.96); R2 between central vessel and perfusion densities of different protocols was ≤ 0.71. Vessel and perfusion densities have high determination coefficients within a scanning protocol, but not between protocols, given that each one preferentially measures different macular areas. Metrics from different protocols should not be interchanged for follow up.
doi:10.24875/gmm.20000471 pmid:34270531 fatcat:wswijkydz5ddzeendl33px7lhi