Evaluating experimental methods to manipulate authentic vs. hubristic pride: Four pilot studies [post]

Kodai Kusano
2021 unpublished
**This is an abstract accepted for the presentation at the Society for Affective Science 2021 virtual conference in April. Data collection is still ongoing.** Inducing different types of pride is an experimental challenge. Four studies varied whether participants felt authentic or hubristic pride, two using an autobiographical recall task and two using a false-feedback paradigm. Ratings of authentic pride did not vary as a function of the type of emotion induction, though ratings of hubristic
more » ... ide items did. Other evidence demonstrated that socially desirable responding depressed self-ratings of hubristic pride.
doi:10.31234/osf.io/y7kvf fatcat:oh7bzmypirhrrgz3wxqplxqcia