Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide in an Aqueous Extract of Cigarette Smoke and Effect of pH on the Yield

Yuichiro TAKANAMI, Takako MORIYAMA, Yasutaka KOSAKA, Tsutomu NAKAYAMA
2009 Bioscience, biotechnology and biochemistry  
An analysis of hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous extract of cigarette smoke, which contains many redoxactive compounds, requires a method with high selectivity. An aqueous extract of the particulate phase of cigarette smoke was analyzed by HPLC with an electrochemical detector (ECD). Samples were prepared by collecting the particulate phase of the cigarette smoke on a glass fiber filter and extracting it with a phosphate buffer. The obtained solution was purified by using a Waters Oasis MCX
more » ... -exchange cartridge, and then analyzed by an HPLC-ECD system with a Shodex KS-801 mixed-mode resin column. Pre-injecting hydrogen peroxide at a high concentration into the HPLC instrument stabilized the analytical results. The recovery of hydrogen peroxide by using an extract of the particulate phase of the cigarette smoke was more than 80%. An increase in the amount of hydrogen peroxide was observed during extraction with the phosphate buffer at higher pH values. In contrast, extraction with phosphoric acid did not increase the amount of hydrogen peroxide during extraction.
doi:10.1271/bbb.90324 pmid:19809177 fatcat:hpbmzfl4mnflpn56l4f6nemrru