Automatic ELM Location in JET Using a Universal Multi-Event Locator

S. González, J. Vega, A. Murari, A. Pereira, M. Beurskens
2010 Fusion science and technology  
Massive amounts of data generated by fusion machines (such as JET) require developing automatic methods for data analysis. Edge-localized modes (ELMs) are instabilities occurring in the edge of H-mode plasmas. The aim of this work is to develop an automatic off-line method for identifying and locating ELMs. This method uses Universal Multi-Event Locator (UMEL) as the event locator. The combination of information from D a emission and diamagnetic energy allows the recognition of single ELMs.
more » ... paper shows the way in which wave-forms of a wide range of discharges can be treated and how UMEL is applied in order to identify and locate ELMs independently of the signal amplitudes. A large database of more than 1200 discharges has been used to test the performance of the method obtaining 226 751 ELMs.
doi:10.13182/fst10-a10924 fatcat:qnw6cjjq7zfbhkl2lsztczodcq