Government Policy and Education Performance: Insight from Indonesia

Ferry Prasetyia
Acknowledges I am grateful for all of the support and contributions I received during my PhD journey. I realize that I owe my success to the amity and support of numerous people who I am grateful to. Words cannot express my gratitude to all of the people who have helped me in many ways. I want to express my deep gratitude to 1. My Doktorand vater Prof. Dr. Ivo Bischoff for his excellency supports both for academic and non academic matters. His dedication in giving me knowledge and opportunity
more » ... grow within his research atmosphere are something valuable for my future career and development. I cannot thank him enough for the time, help, and patience he has given me. 2. PhD committee: Prof. Dr.
doi:10.19211/kup9783737650861 fatcat:lkhztpjezfh25myhyqkjby642u