A New Species of Chrysopa From Texas

Jesse F. McClendon
1901 Psyche: A Journal of Entomology  
215 hairs of the upper edge of the male fore tibiae are longer. The middle and hind coxae are black, the fore coxae more or less fuscous tarsi black, the remainder of the legs variable in color from fuscous to piceous. The front metatarsi of the male enlarged, ovoid, the distal third of the inner side is excised for the reception of the remainder of the tarsus, which thus is not attached at the tip of the metatarsus. The front tibiae of the males are somewhat thickened. Wings cinereous-hyaline,
more » ... stigmal spot faintly brown, neuration normal. Seven males, twelve females and the gynandromorphic specimen. Dubois (IX. 6, I895) and Little Wind River (IX. 2, 895 ) Wyoming. This species seems to be allied to seriata, Loew, of the Eastern States, which also has ovate metatarsi in the males. As Dr. Loew does not mention the place of articulation of the second joint, it may be presumed that it is terminal to the metatarsus as in the other forms of the genus. Moreover, the middle tibiae of the male seriata are provided with rather long pubescence, a character not observable in IgZheelerL
doi:10.1155/1901/62106 fatcat:e3ocordrwbbjrofb2uy35cpo2q