The Influence of BaCeO3 Addition on Y-211 Particle Size of YBCO Bulk Superconductors

K. Zmorayova, M. Sefcikova, D. Volochova, M. Radusovska, V. Antal, S. Piovarci, P. Diko
2013 Physics Procedia  
The influence of BaCeO 3 addition (1.79 wt%) on a Y 2 BaCuO 5 (Y-211) particle size and particle distribution in melt-processed YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 / Y 2 BaCuO 5 (Y-123/Y-211) bulk superconductors was investigated. The BaCeO 3 powder was prepared by conventional solid state synthesis from BaO 2 and CeO 2 . For the particle refinement, prepared BaCeO 3 powder was milled in a planetary mill in ethanol and obtained particle size was characterized by grading analysis and SEM. The mixtures of Y-123, Y 2
more » ... 3 and BaCeO 3 powders where prepared by 5 different procedures, pressed into the pellets and finally, bulk samples were grown by melt-growth process. The microstructural characterisation of the samples by polarised light microscopy and image processing showed the significant refinement of Y-211 particles by BaCeO 3 addition, which also depended on the used ceramic process. -review under responsibility of ISS Program Committee.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2013.04.050 fatcat:b6ii6zkzzbde5mdsiyutcggza4