Modeling Transfer of Electrons between Energy States of an Electrolyte and CdS thin Films using Gerischer Model

Cliff Orori Mosiori, John Maera, W. Kamande Njoroge, T. Reuben Shikambe, Matthew Munji, Robert Magare
2015 Engineering International  
A number of models have been developed to describe electron transfer between electrolytes and group II-VI binary semiconductors. In this report, a study was conducted to describe and model electron transfer between an inorganic semiconductor, (i.e. CdS) and a ferric oxidizing/reducing agent [i.e. K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6]. We describe the interfacial electron transfer using the semi-classical theory approaches as described by Marcus and later developed by Gerischer and therefore called Gerischer
more » ... l as it is applied to heterogeneous electron transfer in a semiconductor -electrolyte interface. CdS thin films were grown by electro-deposition method on the indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates and were used as electrodes. The data collected was used to determine the kinetic constant rates and re-orientation energies as measured in the solutions with different concentration of redox system, Fe +3 / Fe +2 . Experiments showed that when concentration of oxidized species increased and causing an increase in 2 , F redox E  activity, the kinetic constant rates decreases inversely. Equally light induced current at 0.0V/Ag was higher when the ratio of the oxidant-reductant (i.e. 2/0.02 and 0.2/0.02) was high. EIS studies revealed that for the two ratios of. 2/0.02 and 0.2/0.02, the difference of current density was comparable to the transfer of the charge carriers for the oxidant-reductant electrolyte at 2/0.02 with respect to 0.2/0.02.
doi:10.18034/ei.v3i1.765 fatcat:sdkw5xivizggvpkxjturpzchei