Finite Element Analysis of Resin Mineral Composites Lathe Bed

Wenqiang Wang, Jianhua Zhang, Jicai Yin, Yi Zhang
2015 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Engineering for Mechanics and Materials   unpublished
To study the static and dynamic performances of lathe bed made of resin mineral composite, a series of finite element analysis by ANSYS Workbench for lathe beds made of cast iron and resin mineral composite are conducted respectively in this article. It is proved by the results acquired from the static and modal analyses that the lathe bed made of resin mineral composite is better in both static and dynamic performances. The analyses results also give guidance to the design of resin mineral composite lathe bed.
doi:10.2991/icimm-15.2015.335 fatcat:5w27syrysbax7njhmyerwucsi4