Examination Room Guidance System Using RFID and Arduino

K Vandana, K Anil Kumar, G Sivani, G Devanand, E Venkatanarayana
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)   unpublished
Aim of this project is guiding the student at the examination centers. Now a day's 99% of the exams are held jumbling system. In this process so many students facing problems in searching rooms. Most of the students feel tense before coming to exam and they still feel tense in searching for their place for exam. Our project is helpful in these cases. Each and every student will be issued an RFID card as their hall ticket. While they reaching the college premises and by showing their hall ticket
more » ... to the RFID reader. That will automatically display the room number of that person. Our project will mainly save the time in searching for the room in examination centers.