The determining factors of peak nasal inspiratory flow and perception of nasal airflow in asthmatics

W.M. Thorstensen, M. Sue-Chu, V. Bugten, M. Cvancarova, S.K. Steinsvag
2014 Rhinology  
The effect of pulmonary pathology on peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) remains largely unknown. We investigated an association between a diagnosis of asthma and of lung function on PNIF when adjusted for possible confounders. Further, we investigated the perception of nasal obstruction in asthmatics compared to healthy controls when adjusted for PNIF. Methodology: Eighty-seven asthmatics and 92 non-asthmatic controls underwent PNIF (categorized into groups of high, medium and low), acoustic
more » ... nometry (AR) and spirometry, and we assessed symptoms of nasal obstruction on visual analogue scales (VAS) in three categories. Results: PNIF was significantly associated with asthma and forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) (% predicted). Other factors associated with PNIF were the degree of nasal obstruction measured both subjectively on a VAS and objectively with AR, age and disease status. Asthma patients were 19 times more likely to be in a higher VAS category compared to non-asthmatic controls independent of PNIF group. Conclusion: Special care has to be taken when interpreting PNIF values in patients with asthma or reduced FEV1 (% predicted). The sensation of nasal obstruction in asthmatics is different from controls despite being in the same PNIF group.
doi:10.4193/rhin13.222 pmid:25479213 fatcat:v5ocfduhnndppfvnhez7nvyb4m