Topologically massive non-abelian BF models in arbitrary space–time dimensions

R.R. Landim, C.A.S. Almeida
2001 Physics Letters B  
This work extends to the D-dimensional space-time the topological mass generation mechanism of the nonabelian BF model in four dimensions. In order to construct the gauge invariant nonabelian kinetic terms for a (D-2)-form B and a 1-form A, we introduce an auxiliary (D-3)-form V. Furthermore, we obtain a complete set of BRST and anti-BRST transformation rules of the fields using the so called horizontality condition, and construct a BRST/anti-BRST invariant quantum action for the model in D-dimensional space-time.
doi:10.1016/s0370-2693(01)00264-7 fatcat:efbmxqye4nd55pfxu55hkext3m