303 Characteristics Finite Element Simulations of Surface Tensions in free interface
303 特性有限要素法による自由界面問題の表面張力計算に関する検討(OS3.CIP法とその関連手法(1),オーガナイズドセッション)

2009 The Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference  
In this paper we propose a new apploximation of upwlnd streamlines in a framework of the Hermitian characteristic Galerkin ( HCG ) method for advection diffusion problems , The HCG method applies the Hermitian type elemen も which can improve accuracy of もhe characteristic Galerkin method . We present a new high order me 七hod using 七he Newmark scheme for the approxima 七 ion of upw 洫 d streamlines , which is often used for the dynamic structural analysis . We show the effectiveness of the present method by evaluating the computational accuracy ,
doi:10.1299/jsmecmd.2009.22.488 fatcat:aca7w42ttbf7bhiehprpiti44a