On Privacy Protection at Networking

Li Yang, ChangGen Zhu
2017 DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research  
In recent years, the networking technology, as an important part of the new generation of information technology, has been developing rapidly. It is widely used in environmental monitoring and protection, personal health care, intelligent transportation, food safety traceability, logistics supplement chain management, and many other fields. Networking technology not only makes our lives more convenient, it but also faces many challenges. One of the most important challenges is its security.
more » ... e this technology is still in the early stage of development, the security system has not formed. In addition, this can be regarded as the extension and development of the Internet, with reference to some security technologies and strategies of Internet. However, this system contains a large number of different functions, computation and communication capabilities, and a large difference of all kinds of intelligent terminal and many specific application scenarios, which makes it unique, rather through the existing Internet security technology to solve the security problem. Since the networking is still in the process of evolution, there is not unified security architecture. Previous research on the security of networking is based on certain specific things technology and application scenarios (such as sensor networks, RFID systems, etc.), respectively, providing the corresponding solutions. At present, a stage of high level of information technology has come. Information technology has changed people's production and living mode and brought digital, convenient and fast service to mankind. Especially, with the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, new opportunities and challenges appear. In the integration of three networks, data exchange and processing speed, security and accuracy directly affect the quality of people's production and life. However, Internet of Things is a new type of information network, derived from the traditional Internet technology, and information security problems are inevitable, especially the Internet of Things is currently in the primary stage of development. What's more, information _______________________ Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of Communication, Jiangxi, Nanchang, 330013
doi:10.12783/dtetr/mcee2016/6467 fatcat:ie2ber2rbvfijnkfjogo2wiina