A generalization of size-biased Poisson-Sujatha distribution and its applications

2021 Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science  
In this paper, a generalization of size-biased Poisson-Sujatha distribution (AGSBPSD) which includes both the size-biased Poisson-Lindley distribution (SBPLD) and the size-biased Poisson-Sujatha distribution (SBPSD) as particular cases has been proposed and studied. Its moments based measures including coefficients of variation, skewness, kurtosis, and index of dispersion have been derived and their shapes have been discussed with varying values of the parameters. The estimation of its
more » ... s has been discussed using maximum likelihood estimation. Some applications of the proposed distribution have been explained using two count datasets.
doi:10.28919/jmcs/5704 fatcat:v56ogmzfo5exzc7zd4ablzcp6y