Effect of Orientation Courses on Self-Regulated Learning Strategies: Goal Setting, Planning, and Execution

Machiko Saeki Yagi, Mitsue Suzuki, Shigeki Tsuzuku, Reiko Murakami, Hiroshi Nakano, Katsuaki Suzuki
2021 Information and Technology in Education and Learning  
Technology and self-regulated learning are necessitated for successful distance learning. In this study, we investigate whether an orientation course that include activities to facilitate self-regulated learning in instructions pertaining to using information communication can help learners succeed in the course. The study population comprises 60 nurses enrolled in an academic medical institution in Japan. Progress through the course and outcomes of performing and modifying learning plans as
more » ... icators of self-regulated learning are compared with the results of learners who have completed an analogous course that excludes self-regulated learning activities. The effect of mentor feedback on learners' self-regulation is evaluated. The data obtained from the learning management systems are analyzed via quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results of this study suggest that the experience of rotating the self-regulation cycle in the orientation course increases the learners' metacognition of their thinking process and learning strategies, thereby resulting in the setting of reasonable goals and plan execution.
doi:10.12937/itel.1.1.pra.p002 fatcat:4nlxftxcs5b33hjv5gpxa3o4iy