Research co-production and knowledge mobilisation in policing [chapter]

Adam Crawford
2017 Advances in Evidence-Based Policing  
This chapter argues for a transformation in the relations between researchers and police partners in the co-production of knowledge to inform policing strategies and practices. In contrast to certain dominant models of Evidence Based Policing, co-production affords a different understanding of the generation, mobilisation and application of knowledge. It requires a fundamental refiguring of both the way researchers engage with police partners and the place and value of knowledge, data and
more » ... ce within policing. The attributes and challenges of co-production are explored and analysed drawing on experiences from existing police-university collaborations. It highlights the significant hurdles that need to be negotiated to realise the necessary structural and organisational change that co-production demands. Co-production embraces a plurality of sources of data and raises questions about the nature of power relations between partners and the dangers of collusion. The chapter advances a vision of the division of labour that is structured around the 'independent interdependence' of researchers and practitioners. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Stuart Lister, Nick Malleson, Clifford Stott and Xavier L'Hoiry for their work on the ESRC project and the various West Yorkshire Police colleagues and staff at the OPCC who collaborated on the study and the project steering group, notably Andy Battle,
doi:10.4324/9781315518299-12 fatcat:gmqddccw6nbf5elllz4emywsyq