Prospects for developing microwave amplifiers to drive multi-TeV colliders

V.L. Granatstein, G.S. Nusinovich, J. Calame, W. Lawson, A. Singh, H. Guo, M. Reiser
Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference  
In multi-TeV linear colliders, overall accelerator length can be kept reasonable only if a high value of accelerating field is chosen, and this implies a relatively high value of rf frequency in order to avoid excessive dark current. We consider the feasibility of developing 30 GHz gyroklystron amplifiers. Amplifier output would be at the fourth harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency to keep the magnetic field small (B 0 = 4.3 kG). Efficiency would be maximized both by a scheme of
more » ... the amplifier input frequency in two stages and by using depressed collectors. We estimate that output power in a single amplifier would be >80 MW with overall electronic efficiency 66%. With a high degree of pulse compression (32X), 1800 such amplifiers would drive a 3 TeV collider.
doi:10.1109/pac.1995.505286 fatcat:z6g5bmeiczhwvmuh4mpwouccga