Reference Analysis as an Aid in Collection Development: A Study of Master of Architecture Theses at Dalhousie University
Kelly Dickinson, Bryanna Boyd, Regan Gunningham
Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management
Librarians face difficult collection management decisions due to the proliferation of potential resources and the limited funding available to libraries. Reference analysis can act as a tool for selecting and de selecting materials because it provides insight into the materials that are selected by various user groups. This study analysed references in graduate architecture theses at Dalhousie University written between 2003 and 2006 to determine the format and age of materials used and the
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... frequently cited items. The study indicated that the average age of materials used was 18 years. It also showed that 65% of the items referenced were monographs, 17% were web-based materials and 10% were serials. This is contrary to other reference analyses, which found that journals are the most frequently used format. These findings suggest the need for further research into information literacy and interlibrary loan. To confirm this study additional reference analysis of Dalhousie architecture collections are necessary. Reference Analysis as an Aid in Collection Development: A Study of Master of Architecture Theses at Dalhousie University About the Author(s): The authors are currently second year Master of Library and Information Studies students in the School of Information Management at Dalhousie University. This paper was originally written for a Library and Information Studies course, Research Methods. Kelly Dickinson previously completed a Bachelor of Arts at the University of New Brunswick in History and Political Science. She became interested in interdisciplinary research and academic librarianship while working in the Reference department at the Harriet Irving Library at UNB. Regan Gunningham completed her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Regina. She is currently an intern at the Sexton Design and Technology Library which provides reference services to engineers, architects and planners. Her experience has led to an interest in improving library services through information literacy. Bryanna Boyd earned a Bachelor of Commerce with a minor in Psychology at Carleton University. She is currently employed in the Cataloguing and Database Management Reference Analysis as an Aid in Collection Development 2 departments at the Patrick Power Library at Saint Mary's University. Bryanna's work experience and research has developed her interest in online catalogues and collection access.