Behavioural prediction of hydraulic step-up switching converters

Victor J. De Negri, Pengfei Wang, Andrew Plummer, D. Nigel Johnston
2014 International Journal of Fluid Power  
In this paper the fundamental principles of energy-conservative hydraulic control based on the fluid inertance principle are discussed and a detailed analysis of step-up switched-inertance control is presented. A non-loss system comprising an inertance tube and switching valve is modelled and its operational curves are presented as a reference for an ideal behaviour. Considering the load loss at both the tube and the PWM switched valve, a linear mathematical model for the step-up
more » ... nce hydraulic system is presented which describes the pressure response as a function of the PWM duty cycle. Mathematical expressions of the flow rates through the tube and the supply and return ports as well as the system efficiency are also presented. A system prototype is evaluated on a test rig and the experimental data compared with the theoretical results, demonstrating the model accuracy. The proposed model simplifies the analysis process for step-up switching converters and thus their restrictions and potential can be investigated more quickly.
doi:10.1080/14399776.2014.882057 fatcat:ksaumythbzcfbdnz5blnjouc5m