Ionospheric Effects on GPS Signals in Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Applications

A. Iyiade
2006 IEEE/ION Position, Location, And Navigation Symposium  
As Global Positioning System (GPS) signal transmits from satellites to a receiver, the signals propagate through the ionosphere, which has several effects on GPS signals. The ionosphere affects the propagation of radio waves which are refracted, reflected and absorbed in various ways according to its dispersive properties. In GPS, the signal delay caused by ionosphere is the major concern due to the corruption of the positioning and time transfer of data. The ionosphere effects on the GPS
more » ... es range errors for GPS measurements. To get higher accuracy in GPS positioning, the ionosphere effects must be accounted for. During the experimental tests, two stations observation data were used. The first is the data collected from the vicinity of a permanent GPS station, while the second data is from the user's station. With the aid of radio link, data from the user station was sent to an independent computer which is connected to the permanent station. Both observations from the permanent GPS station and the user's station were processed simultaneously implementing double differencing method. In estimating the ionospheric delay in real time kinematic set-up, the data were processed using an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), with the ionospheric delays as states. The end result shows an improvement of the antenna position. Map Asia 2005 Jakarta, Indonesia
doi:10.1109/plans.2006.1650709 fatcat:444k7sj53fdl3ab5cvlgi4k4z4