Is FRBR A Domain? Domain Analysis Applied to the Literature of The FRBR Family of Conceptual Models

Richard P. Smiraglia
2013 Knowledge organization  
or Richard P. Smiraglia is professor, Information Organization Research Group, School of Information Studies, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He has quantitatively explored the phenomenon of instantiation among information objects, domain analytical studies, social classification, and engaged epistemological analysis of the role of authorship in bibliographic tradition. He is an associate researcher of the e-Humanities Group, of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
more » ... , and is editor-in-chief of Knowledge Organization. Smiraglia, Richard P. Is FRBR A Domain? Domain Analysis Applied to the Literature of The FRBR Family of Conceptual Models. Knowledge Organization. 40(4), 273-282. 7 references. ABSTRACT: Domain analysis helps visualize the semantic intellectual content of a coherent group, or domain. A domain is a group with an ontological base, an underlying teleology, common hypotheses and epistemology, and social semantics. FRBR has spawned a family of conceptual models and much writing. A recent second anthology about the FRBR models raises the question of whether a coherent domain has formed around the FRBR family. Domain analysis is used here to visualize the semantic content of the FRBR family domain and to compare its two main component groups, scholar authors and practitioner authors. Results show a common teleology with some subtle differences surrounding implementation of the FRBR family of models. † The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Ann M. Graf and Jihee Beak in the research reported in this paper.
doi:10.5771/0943-7444-2013-4-273 fatcat:hizdpmsgpzhsvpn3csos7ca7me