Correlates of Contraceptive Use and Desire for less Children in Nigeria

Turnwait O. Michael, Grace A.T. Scent
2017 The Nigerian journal of sociology and anthropology  
The negative consequences of non-use of contraceptives on reproductive health are well documented. The role of contraceptive use in attaining the desired number of children in Nigeria is yet to receive adequate academic investigation. The central concern of this paper was to examine how socio-cultural and economic variables influence contraceptive use and desire for less number of children among currently married women of reproductive age (15-49) in Nigeria. The data were derived from the 2013
more » ... igeria Demographic and health Survey (NDHS). The NDHS collected data on current background characteristics, contraceptive methods, desire for more children, and number of living children, among others. The 23,933 currently married women respondents who had provided responses to questions on contraceptive use methods and desire for more children constitute the sample. The study found large disparities among correlated variables as factors determining contraceptive use and desire for more children. The study revealed that while 16% of the sampled population used contraceptive methods, 78% acknowledged desire for more children. The regression analysis showed that current contraceptive use and desire for more children significantly varied by selected background characteristics. Thus, there is an urgent need to reach out to women of reproductive age on the need for contraceptive use in marital union to limit childbearing and the concomitant negative effects in Nigeria
doi:10.36108/njsa/7102/51(0270) fatcat:6rcnjfl3ffg6xhfzjmgjsxkz2q