An Overview of Chinese International Education

Lingqiao Liu, Xuesong Jiao, Fengrong Shi
2019 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2019)   unpublished
In the past decade, Chinese international education has experienced rapid growth. The boom motivates the author of this paper to have done a holistic study on this issue. The study finds that Chinese international education programs have so far been operated basically in two directions: teaching Chinese to international students here in China and teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages in their own home country. The two types of Chinese programs share some common features as in core
more » ... ents, teaching approaches and technology prospects. They also show striking differences in terms of students age, students composition and learning-aid activities. These differences pose varying challenge to course teachers and instructors. However, digital technology has changed education landscape, making great impact on Chinese international teaching. Teachers need to keep pace with technical progress, update their instructional techniques and pedagogical concepts. More video clips about Chinese and Chinese culture are expected to be developed and integrated into current classrooms.
doi:10.2991/icadce-19.2019.217 fatcat:g6patavvk5bqlgeqmjlg5rgsni