Traffic Grooming Techniques in Optical Networks

Yabin Ye, Hagen Woesner, Imrich Chlamtac
2006 2006 3rd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems  
With the increase of the number of wavelengths per fiber waveband switching has been proposed to decrease the number of switching ports in optical nodes. Another concept that of Light trails, allows the intermediate nodes along a lightpath to access the wavelength channel, aiming at the reduction of the number of wavelengths. Both techniques apply traffic grooming on different levels of the WDM network. In this paper, we combine them and compare the two switching techniques: waveband switching
more » ... ightpath (WBS-LP) and waveband switching lighttrail (WBS-LT). Auxiliary graph models (LP_AG/LT_AG) are proposed for WBS-LP/WBS-LT respectively. These two auxiliary graph models can exploit not only the wavelength resource in the fiber links but also the limited waveband ports resource inside the multi-granular optical cross connects (MG-OXC) nodes. The influence of network parameters, e.g. number of wavebands, ports and transceivers, is studied. The proposed algorithms are compared with shortest path (SP), leastweighted path (LW), and K-least-weighted path (KP) algorithms; numerical simulations show their better performance. For different algorithms, WBS-LT can have better blocking performance than WBS-LP especially when add/drop waveband ports are the critical resources. In this paper, we will study the combination of these two approaches: waveband switching and light trails. We will introduce dynamic WBS in light trail networks (WBS-LT) and compare it with traditional WBS in lightpath networks (WBS-LP). In order to efficiently set up lightpath and light trails in WBS optical networks, auxiliary graphs (AGs) will be proposed for WBS-LP and WBS-LT respectively. We show that our proposed algorithms achieve lower request blocking probabilities especially when the waveband ports are the critical resources. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the network model for WBS-LT is introduced and the MG-OXC node architecture for WBS-LT is presented and compared 1-4244-0425-8
doi:10.1109/broadnets.2006.4374409 dblp:conf/broadnets/YeWC06 fatcat:pqu3uyl6zjb67nfozqzwdvp6km