Behavior of ITCZ' second band near the Peruvian coast during the 2017 coastal El Niño

Vannia Jaqueline Aliaga Nestares, Diego Fernando Rodriguez Zimmermann, Nelson Quispe Gutiérrez
2021 Atmósfera  
The behavior of the second band of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), near the Peruvian coast during early 2017, is studied, using precipitation, surface winds, sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric variables in different isobaric levels. The proposal of a daily index (Ia) to identify, opportunely, the formation of this band and the Lorenz energy terms in the region is also considered. This band was present from late January to early April 2017, associated with an anomalous
more » ... e of sea level pressure between the east and west Oriental Equatorial Pacific, that configured anomalously northerly surface winds and relaxation of southeasterly trade winds near Peru. In medium levels, a zonally-oriented positive mixing ratio anomaly is observed in early March over the ITCZ's second band, associated with heavy rain systems over the northern Peruvian coastal region. In the same period, positive anomalies of divergence in high tropospheric levels are observed. The daily Ia index allowed an effective detection of the ITCZ's second band with 11 days prior the maximum coastal precipitation, and the Lorenz energy terms showed kinetic eddies energy (KE) peaks in January and February and a contribution of barotropic instability in equatorial regions.
doi:10.20937/atm.53017 fatcat:izjxgaubjzgnzi53hvpzstxl5a