Gini Index Estimation Within Pre-Specified Error Bound: Application to Indian Household Survey Data

Francis Bilson Darku, Frank Konietschke, Bhargab Chattopadhyay
2020 Econometrics  
The Gini index, a widely used economic inequality measure, is computed using data whose designs involve clustering and stratification, generally known as complex household surveys. Under complex household survey, we develop two novel procedures for estimating Gini index with a pre-specified error bound and confidence level. The two proposed approaches are based on the concept of sequential analysis which is known to be economical in the sense of obtaining an optimal cluster size which reduces
more » ... oject cost (that is total sampling cost) thereby achieving the pre-specified error bound and the confidence level under reasonable assumptions. Some large sample properties of the proposed procedures are examined without assuming any specific distribution. Empirical illustrations of both procedures are provided using the consumption expenditure data obtained by National Sample Survey (NSS) Organization in India.
doi:10.3390/econometrics8020026 fatcat:kzxc7cdpzffolgpwuyo5wpnrh4