Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Goal Attainment Rates by Initial Statin Monotherapy Among Patients With Dyslipidemia and High Cardiovascular Risk in Japan ― A Retrospective Database Analysis ―

Tatsuya Umeda, Ai Hayashi, Akiko Harada, Kotoba Okuyama, Carl A. Baxter, Shigeru Tokita, Tamio Teramoto
2018 Circulation Journal  
To understand the recent management status in Japan, we determined the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goal attainment (GA) rate of patients initiating statin monotherapy for dyslipidemia. Methods and Results: Dyslipidemic patients undergoing either primary prevention with high cardiovascular risk or secondary prevention (defined by 2012 Japan Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines) were retrospectively analyzed from a hospital-based claims database. In both groups, the LDL-C levels and
more » ... GA rates of patients treated with intensive or standard statin monotherapy for ≥4 weeks (January 2012-August 2016) were evaluated. Among 1,501,013 dyslipidemic patients, 11,695 and 9,642 were included in the primary and secondary prevention groups, respectively. A total of 94% of patients underwent statin monotherapy as the initial lipid-lowering therapy, of which most (≥80%) took intensive statins. The proportions of patients in the primary prevention group who achieved an LDL-C goal <120 mg/dL by intensive and standard statins were 81.1% and 61.2%, respectively, and the proportions of those who achieved a goal <100 mg/dL in the secondary prevention group were 73.3% and 48.1%, respectively. The GA rates were similar regardless of disease complications. Conclusions: Most patients (>70%) in both groups achieved LDL-C management goals using intensive statin monotherapy. Further treatment approaches are required for high-risk patients not achieving LDL-C goals by initial statin monotherapy. Continuous efforts are crucial for adherence and persistence of lipid-lowering therapies.
doi:10.1253/circj.cj-17-0971 pmid:29628458 fatcat:hh6uicqu6jatnglzjglkowi6xy