Rewarding probabilistic hybrid automata

Ernst Moritz Hahn, Holger Hermanns
2013 Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control - HSCC '13  
real-world systems: combination of digital controller and continuous environment 2/27 real-world systems: combination of digital controller and continuous environment often safeness critical 2/27 real-world systems: combination of digital controller and continuous environment often safeness critical need to formally analyse such hybrid systems 2/27 Model Checking "does a computing system fulfil its specification?" 3/27 Model Checking "does a computing system fulfil its specification?" formal
more » ... el M of system 3/27 Model Checking "does a computing system fulfil its specification?" formal model M of system specification φ 3/27 Model Checking "does a computing system fulfil its specification?" formal model M of system specification φ automatic proof or refutation of M |= φ 3/27 Model Checking "does a computing system fulfil its specification?" formal model M of system specification φ automatic proof or refutation of M |= φ example: φ = temperature always below 37 • celsius 3/27 Model Checking "does a computing system fulfil its specification?" formal model M of system specification φ automatic proof or refutation of M |= φ example: φ = temperature always below 37 • celsius initial condition error here: temperature equal to or above 37 • celsius 3/27 Probabilities probabilistic behaviour in system 4/27 Probabilities probabilistic behaviour in system e.g. sensors might fail with given probability 4/27 Probabilities probabilistic behaviour in system e.g. sensors might fail with given probability thus, cannot always show complete safeness 4/27 Probabilities probabilistic behaviour in system e.g. sensors might fail with given probability thus, cannot always show complete safeness want quantitative bounds on system behaviour e.g. "max prob to go above 37 • within 20 years: ≤10 −40 " 4/27 Probabilities probabilistic behaviour in system e.g. sensors might fail with given probability thus, cannot always show complete safeness want quantitative bounds on system behaviour e.g. "max prob to go above 37 • within 20 years: ≤10 −40 " must integrate probabilistic behaviour in system model 4/27
doi:10.1145/2461328.2461375 dblp:conf/hybrid/HahnH13 fatcat:deflow6wyvhfdaq6xx4nwghj3a