Design of A Direct Converter for High Power, RF Applications

D.J. Cook, M. Catucci, J.C. Clare, P.W. Wheeler, J. Przybyla
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference  
This paper is concerned with a new type of power supply for high power RF applications for CW operation. The converter is a direct topology operating with a high frequency resonant output stage. Switching losses are minimised by switching at zero current. High operating frequency allows for minimised transformer and filter size. Advantages of this topology over conventional approaches are discussed, along with the potential problems and proposed solutions. Recently, considerable interest has
more » ... n shown in direct converter (matrix) topologies as an alternative topology in motor drive applications. This approach offers advantages such as reduced energy storage and higher energy density compared to conventional topologies. The work presented in this paper capitalises on these advantages in other fields, namely power conversion for RF supplies. The RF power needs to be stable and predictable such that any variation has a limited impact on the accelerated beam quality. In order to meet the required output voltage specification output filtering is required. Management of the output filter energy in the event of a fault is necessary if damage to the tube is to be avoided.
doi:10.1109/pac.2005.1591707 fatcat:kccvkuzl5bdl7c4z66drgrh6yq