Experimental study of artificial recharge alternatives in northwest Hillsborough County, Florida [report]

1977 unpublished
Prepared in cooperation with the SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Extensive water withdrawal from the Floridan aquifer in the urban Tampa B-.y aiea has induced leakage from the overlying surficial aquifer adversely effecting the water table and lake levels. Artificial recharge could reduce Lhe impact of these adverse effects. Four experiments were conducted to investigate possible recharge alternatives; sinkhole recharge, water-spreading, connector wells, and subsurface-tile drainage
more » ... to a deep well. Experiments indicate that all four methods can be effective. However, the sinkhole recharge experiment moved the greatest volume of water into the Floridan aquifer. The drain-tile experiment indicated greatest potential for draining the surficial aquifer. Combinations of the four methods could be used where potential exists for downward movement of water and sufficient unsaturated aquifer for water storage. 17.
doi:10.3133/wri7713 fatcat:vlqsp2zourbetno7vlgdhk7hdm