Monitoring and Land Use Management Approach to Salinity for Hatiya & Ramgati Soil Series of Noakhali District

Mohammed Islam, Md Rahman, Mohammed Islam, Md Rahman
2015 Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res   unpublished
In Bangladesh coastal area covers about 2.85 mha which is approximately 30% of the net cultivable land. Among these 2.85 mha, 0.833 mha is affected by varying degree of salinity. Cropping intensity of the area is 133%, which is much less than the country average of 180%. Besides salinity, tidal surge, scarcity of good quality irrigation water, lack of salt tolerant germplasm etc is the main factors for crop intensification in the area. It is observed that the salinity of the area is mainly
more » ... nal. Salinity reaches peak in Rabi and Kharif-1(March to May) and lowest in Kharif-2(June to October). Using salt tolerant germplasm and modern management practices can double cropping intensity of the area. To achieve this goal, continuous monitoring of salinity, strong Government policy and intensive farmer's motivational program is needed.