Molecular Engineering of Metal-Organic Assemblies: Advances Toward Next Generation Porous and Magnetic Materials [article]

Gabriel Brunet, University, My, University, My
The controlled assembly of molecular building blocks is an emerging strategy that allows for the preparation of materials with tailor-made properties. This involves the precise combination of molecular subunits that interact with one another via specifically designed reactive sites. Such a strategy has produced materials exhibiting remarkable properties, including those based on metal-organic frameworks and single-molecule magnets. The present Thesis aims to highlight how such metal-organic
more » ... mblies can be engineered at the molecular level to promote certain desired functionalities. Specifically, Chapter 2 will focus on the confinement effects of a crystalline sponge on a ferrocene-based guest molecule that is nanostructured within the porous cavities of a host material. In doing so, we evaluate how one can exert some level of control over the binding sites of the guest molecule, through the addition of electron-withdrawing groups, as well as tuning the physical properties of the guest itself through molecular encapsulation. Notably, we demonstrate a distinct change in the dynamic rotational motion of the ferrocene molecules once confined within the crystalline sponge. In Chapter 3, we investigate the generation of slow relaxation of the magnetization from a Co(II)-based metal-organic framework. We compare this to a closely related 2D Co(II) sheet network, and how slight changes in the crystal field, probed through computational methods, can impact the magnetic behaviour. This type of study may be particularly beneficial in the optimization of single-ion magnets, by sequestering metal centres in select chemical environments, and minimizing molecular vibrations that may offer alternative magnetic relaxation pathways. We extend these principles in Chapter 4, through the use of a nitrogen-rich ligand that acts as a scaffold for Ln(III) ions, thereby yielding 0D and 1D architectures. The coordination chemistry of Ln(III) ions with N-donor ligands remains scarce, especially when evaluated from a magnetic perspective [...]
doi:10.20381/ruor-24618 fatcat:vlhjerprx5b75pmgoir5qypm3i