The stochastic flow rule: a multi-scale model for granular plasticity

Ken Kamrin, Chris H Rycroft, Martin Z Bazant
2007 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering  
In spite of many attempts to model dense granular flow, there is still no general theory capable of describing different types of flows, such as gravity-driven drainage in silos and wall-driven shear flows in Couette cells. Here, we summarize our recent proposal of the Stochastic Flow Rule (SFR), which is able to describe these cases in good agreement with experiments, and we focus on testing the theory in more detail against brute-force simulations with the discrete-element method (DEM). The
more » ... R is a general rate-independent constitutive law for plastic flow, based on diffusing spots of fluidization. In the case of quasi-2D granular materials, we assume limit-state stresses from Mohr-Coulomb plasticity and postulate that spots undergo biased random walks along slip-lines, driven by local stress imbalances. We compare analytical predictions of the SFR against DEM simulations for silos and Couette cells, carrying out several parametric studies in the latter case, and find good agreement.
doi:10.1088/0965-0393/15/4/s10 fatcat:q66u6v3bbzdhloyecf2swi6ugq