The influence of the specificity of fundamental values on interpersonal dependence in friendships

Pyotr I. Kamenskiy
2020 Вестник Костромского государственного университета им Н А Некрасова  
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of the specifics of fundamental values on the type of interpersonal dependence in friendly relations. The author shows the actualised need to consider behavioural dependences on the example of interpersonal dependence due to the lack of scientific knowledge in this area. The specificity of interrelationships between the aspects of four fundamental motivations and normative and non-normative types of interpersonal dependence is revealed. The
more » ... author considers aspects of fundamental motivations as predictors of the types of interpersonal dependence, namely, destructive overdependence and healthy dependence. In conclusion, the author concludes that some aspects of fundamental values have a specific impact on the formation of interpersonal dependence in close friendships. The data obtained can contribute to the development of practical methods for the prevention of abnormal types of interpersonal dependence.
doi:10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-3-40-46 fatcat:jjmbfucmwrbk3pzjcebe7tjnrm