Detection of Two-Level Inverter Open-Circuit Fault Using a Combined DWT-NN Approach

Bilal Djamal Eddine Cherif, Azeddine Bendiabdellah
2018 Journal of Control Science and Engineering  
Three-phase static converters with voltage structure are widely used in many industrial systems. In order to prevent the propagation of the fault to other components of the system and ensure continuity of service in the event of a failure of the converter, efficient and rapid methods of detection and localization must be implemented. This paper work addresses a diagnostic technique based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithm and the approach of neural network (NN), for the detection
more » ... of an inverter IGBT open-circuit switch fault. To illustrate the merits of the technique and validate the results, experimental tests are conducted using a built voltage inverter fed induction motor. The inverter is controlled by the SVM control strategy.
doi:10.1155/2018/1976836 fatcat:cyduqrfndfhvzien5xab3pe3qa